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Notes about questions I have been ask that my be of interest to other builders.

One of the reasons I decided to build Skiffamerica was the very simple building technique that Kilburn Adams designed. It is not at all hard to understand his complete and detailed plans. I don't know if you have purchased the plans or not but you see the time Kilburn has taken to provide a logical building sequence with the plans and in the text. Kilburn provides the entire how and why detail. If you follow his system you will be able to build the boat with very little boat building skills. 

My bow anchor is a 13 pound Bruce with 15 feet of BBB chain and 200 Feet of 5/8 three strand.
My stern is a 5 pound danford with 10 feet of chain and 150 feet of 1/2 three strand.
There has been some discussion about the weight and size of my ground tackle being heavy for such a light boat. It does add weight to the bow and may cost me a knot. I know SkiffAmerica could use much lighter ground tackle, but I have had the Bruce anchor for 20 years and it has not let me down yet.


Bruce Anchor and  Mesh Netting